Current Conditions in Wairoa
Short Term Weather Forecast for Wairoa
 AM Clouds, PM Sun | Tonight
 Mostly Cloudy | Tomorrow
 AM Showers | Tomorrow night
 Partly Cloudy | Friday
 Partly Cloudy | Friday night
 Partly Cloudy | Saturday
 Partly Cloudy | Saturday night
 Mostly Cloudy |
19°C | 14°C | 21°C | 12°C | 21°C | 12°C | 23°C | 15°C |
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Wairoa Services
- The Wairoa Information Centre may be found along the Main State Highway passing through Wairoa. Office hours are 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 11.00am Saturday and 3.15pm to 4.00pm Sundays. Telephone: 0800 924 762.
- The Wairoa Centennial Library is open Monday to Thursday 10am - 5pm, Friday 10am - 6.00pm and Saturday 10.00am - 12.00pm. Membership is free.
- Help to keep the Wairoa's Food Bank full. Monetary donations may be made at the Wairoa Westpac Branch and food donations at the Wairoa Budget Advisory in Queen Street.
- Morere Hot Springs will be open today from 10am onwards. Enjoy a swim in the Hot Springs, take a Bush Walk & lunch at the Tearooms.
- The Wairoa Disability Community Bus is available Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00pm. This is a Door-to-Door Wairoa Service.
- Are you 45 or over? Why not consider registering with Age Concern or the Senior Citizens and joining in with some of their monthly activities. Contact 838 8623.
- The Museum is open to the Public from 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday and 10.00am to 1.00pm Saturday. Contact Number is: 8383108.
- Have you friends or family in Hastings Hospital who might like some company? Then phone the good people of St Vincent de Paul and let them know. 06 876 7511.
- Look after our elderly please Wairoa. If you witness or hear abuse or neglect of an elder please contact the 'Elder Abuse and Neglect' support team on 383 3307.
The Wairoa Community Centre is open every day for all Members, Locals and Visitors. The Centre provides a variety of daily activities as with Aerobics, Aqua Fitness, Zumba, Indoor Basketball, Full Body Workouts and High Rope Climbing to name a few. Visitors to town may find the Community Centre along Marine Parade East. Open Hours today are: Public Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm. Members: 6.00am to 9.00pm
Landfill Collections and Recycling Hours.
The Wairoa Landfall is open to the Public from 8.00am until 2.00pm Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday for those wishing to dispose of their household rubbish, green vegetation or domestic recycling.
Weekly Collections are as follows:
Monday - The Mahia, Waikokopu, Mahanga, Opoutama and Nuhaka Districts have their weekly roadside collection.
Tuesday - The Wairoa Township have their weekly Roadside Refuse Collection.
Wednesday - The Wairoa and Frasertown Districts have their Weekly Roadside Recycling collection.
Thursday - The Ruakituri and Te Reinga Districts have their weekly Rural refuse collection.
Friday - The Mohaka & Raupunga Districts have their Weekly Rural Refuse collection.
Temperature Trend Today
Local Tides
Fire Risk
Duty Doctor: Contact the Wairoa Hospital. Telephone 838 7099.
Wairoa Pharmacy: Corner Queen Street and Paul Street. Telephone 838 7408.
- Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5.30pm.
- Saturday - 9.00am to 12.00pm.
- Sunday - Closed. In an emergency ring the Wairoa Hospital 838 7099.
Wairoa Hospital: Kitchener Street. Visiting Hours 2.00pm - 7.00pm Phone 838 7099
Wairoa Ambulance Service: Kitchener Street. 24 Hour Service. Phone 111.
Wairoa Police: Wairoa Police Station, Queen Street. Station Phone: 838 8345.
Tuai Police: Tuai Police Station, 63 Hill Street, Waikaremoana. Station Phone: 837 3824.
Nuhaka Police: Nuhaka Police Station, 3215 SH 2, Nuhaka. Station Phone: 837 8800.
Kotemaori Police: Kotemaori Police Station, SH 2, Kotemaori. Station Phone: 837 6885.
Duty Dentist: Dental Health Wairoa, Locke Street 8.30am - 5.00pm 838 7144. After hours: 838 7144.
All Emergencies & Civil Defence: 24 Hour Contact, Phone: 838 7309.
Wairoa Fire Service: Queen Street, Wairoa. Phone: 838 7755
Nuhaka Fire Service: Ringawhero Street, Nuhaka. Phone: 837 8799
Emergency Vet: Coast Vet, Napier Road, 24 Hour Contact: Phone: 838 4053.
Lotto Results 29 January 2025 Draw: 2451 |
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