Month Extremes Table Style Basic Records began on 1st December 2009. Here are the month-by-month extremes recorded since then.
Temperature Maximum
Temperature Max High The Highest Maximum temperature (°C) recorded for the shown month over ALL years. Temperature Max Low The Lowest Maximum temperature (°C) recorded for the shown month over ALL years.
Temperature Minimum
Temperature Min High The Highest Minimum temperature (°C) recorded for the shown month over ALL years. Temperature Max Low The Lowest Minimum temperature (°C) recorded for the shown month over ALL years.
Temperature Difference
Temperature Diff High The Highest temperature difference (°C) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Temperature Diff Low The Lowest temperature difference (°C) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Temperature app
Temperature app High The Highest Apparent temperature (°C to the human body) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Temperature app Low The Lowest Apparent temperature (°C to the human body) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Dew Point
Dew Point High The Highest Dew Point (°C) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Dew Point Low The Lowest Dew Point (°C) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity High The Highest Relative Humidity (%) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Relative Humidity Low The Lowest Relative Humidity (%) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Barometric High The Highest Relative (Sea Level) barometric pressure (hPa) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Barometric Low The Lowest Relative (Sea Level) barometric pressure (hPa) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Wind Gust The Highest Wind GUST (km/h) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Wind Average The Highest Average Wind (km/h) recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Wind Run
The Greatest 'distance' the wind traveled recorded for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Rain Day The Highest TOTAL Rain (mm) recorded for one DAY in the shown month over ALL years. Rain Mon The Highest TOTAL Rain (mm) recorded for the entire MONTH over ALL years.
Rain (mm/h)
Rain Rate The 'Heaviest' CALCULATED Rain (mm) that would have been recorded if it had persisted for 1 hour for one day in the shown month over ALL years. Rain 1 hour The 'Heaviest' TRUE Rain (mm) recorded for for 1 hour for one day in the shown month over ALL years.
Wet and Dry Days
Wet Days The Highest number of consecutive days that Rain has been recorded and then 'ended' in the shown month over ALL years. Dry Days The Highest number of consecutive dry days where NO Rain has been recorded and then 'ended' in the shown month over ALL years.