Extremes From Yesterday
Temperature and Humidity |
High Temperature |
20.0 °C |
at 09:03 |
Low Temperature |
15.3 °C |
at 01:09 |
Temperature Range |
4.7 °C |
High Apparent Temperature |
22.2 °C |
at 09:01 |
Low Apparent Temperature |
16.3 °C |
at 21:32 |
Average Temperature |
17.8 °C |
High Humidity |
95 % |
at 10:02 |
Low Humidity |
70 % |
at 16:40 |
High Dew Point |
18.0 °C |
at 10:14 |
Low Dew Point |
12.5 °C |
at 21:32 |
Highest Heat Index |
20.0 °C |
at 09:03 |
Heating Degree Day |
0.8 °C |
Cooling Degree Day |
0.3 °C |
Rainfall |
Total Rainfall Yesterday |
0.9 mm |
Rainfall Rate Maximum |
10.8 mm/hr |
at 15:09 |
Highest Hourly Rainfall |
0.9 mm/hr |
at 15:09 |
Wind |
Highest Wind Gust |
32.5 km/h 315° |
at 14:30 |
Highest Wind Speed |
17.4 km/h (F3) |
at 13:04 |
Lowest Wind Chill |
15.3 km/h |
at 01:09 |
Total Wind Run |
110.1 km |
Dominant Direction |
Dorminant Bearing |
62° |
Solar and Light |
High UV |
3 |
at 16:50 |
Solar Radiation |
466 W/m^2 |
at 16:53 |
Sunshine Hours |
1.7 |
Pressure |
High Pressure (SL) |
1031.5 hpa |
at 19:46 |
Low Pressure (SL) |
1024.3 hpa |
at 02:24 |
Snowfall |
Highest Monthly Snowfall |
0.0 mm |
Highest Daily Snowfall |
0.0 mm |
Page updated 12/02/2025 6:50:01 a.m.